Word of the Year 2023 - A Vibrant Palette
The first week of 2023 has flown by with some immediate things on my new year agenda fashionably ticked off already. 2022 was a great year in terms of work, recognition, writing, travel, health, food,...
2 Years Ago
Shine this New Year and festive season with World of EK - A Vibrant Palette
New Year greetings to all my dear readers! 2023 has begun with promise and positivity and I hope that it gives you everything you dream and work for. Festivities are still in the air with the wedding ...
2 Years Ago
My favourite winter things #BlogchatterBlogHop - A Vibrant Palette
I wished the angry muffled voices would invariably die out while I quietly pretended not to hear them. No one could be mean to a little girl now, could they? Alas, happy misconceptions! Mom would pull...
2 Years Ago
How Grape Seed Extract in Perfectil helps reduce pigmentation and evens your skin tone - A Vibrant Palette
How many times have you heard the phrase ‘aging like fine wine’ and secretly wished you were a poster boy/girl for it? Vanity isn’t a bad thing. Whatever you do to make yourself look and feel go...
2 Years Ago
The Complete Push up Bra Guide: All you need to know - A Vibrant Palette
Women pride themselves on their attention to detail, and when it comes to dressing up for some special occasion, they go to great lengths. Imagine doing the perfect outfit, accessories, and shoes but ...
2 Years Ago
Temporary hair colours : How to apply & more! - A Vibrant Palette
A lot of people are hesitant to use temporary colours, because there’s not enough awareness about the topic. So I decided to answer some basic questions about temporary hair colours!...
2 Years Ago