Varun Thakur

Varun Thakur's Lifeism

LIFEism gives a fresh perspective to life and is all about
enriching your skills to make you a smarter, wiser human
being. Articles are simple yet profound and teach as they

  • Rated2.7/ 5
  • Updated 15 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Lifeism

We\'ve moved!
Yes folks, We've moved to a new address at We've moved because we like change. Change is good. So log onto t......
15 Years Ago
We\'ve moved!
Yes folks, We've moved to a new address at We've moved because we like change. Change is good. So log onto t......
15 Years Ago
The most SPEC-tacular truth of life
The most SPEC-tacular truth of life
Hi there. Hope the last recession article got your grey cells movin! Anyways, to the right I give you an array of beautiful specs/ shades......
15 Years Ago
The most SPEC-tacular truth of life
The most SPEC-tacular truth of life
Hi there. Hope the last recession article got your grey cells movin! Anyways, to the right I give you an array of beautiful specs/ shades......
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This is the real RECESSION
This is the real RECESSION
Hiya folks! I happened to read this simple story and it had an idea I strongly stand by. I have reproduced it here with permission......
16 Years Ago
This is the real RECESSION
This is the real RECESSION
Hiya folks! I happened to read this simple story and it had an idea I strongly stand by. I have reproduced it here with permission......
16 Years Ago