Year In Books - 2022
If the readings in and of 2021 was to a great extent, directed towards preserving the last vestiges of sanity in a world teetering to come to grips with a medical crisis of untold proportions, 2022 wa...
2 Years Ago
Tom Gates Spectacular School Trip (Really) - Liz Pichon
(Image: While having a 11-year-old niece is a blessed advantage, being in constant touch with an eleven-year-old niece who is an inveterate book worm, is a boon! Over the past few d...
2 Years Ago
Billy and the Minpins- Roald Dahl
(Image Credit: Penguin Books) Little Billy keeps forlornly looking out his window at the woods beyond, day after day after day. The vast expanse of nature beckons in a tantalizing manner. However, Lit...
2 Years Ago
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules - Jeff Kinney
(Image Credit: Greg Heffley, a teenaged boy is sandwiched at home between his three-year-old brother Manny, who has an uncanny knack for prying open Greg’s mischief before his parents, ...
2 Years Ago
Freddie Mercury - Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
(Image Credit: With exquisitely aesthetic illustrations by Ruby Taylor, "Freddie Mercury" by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, is a breezy introduction to the melodies and magic of one o...
2 Years Ago
The Happiest Man on Earth - Eddie Jaku
(Image Credit: 172338. A number not just tattooed on the skin of a human being, but a travesty indelibly seared in living memory. Abraham Salomon Jakubowicz Eddie Jaku, was p...
2 Years Ago