Do not get RBL Bank credit card! They do not know how to deal with fraudulent transactions!
My wife has an RBL bank credit card. On 31 August 2017 she got a text message about a transaction of $750 (Rs. 50,243.05) on her card. We had not initiated such transaction. W called the bank immediat...
7 Years Ago
HexaVault Password Manager and Personal Information Locker
Here is my new product - HexaVault. HexaVault is a password manager and a personal information locker. You can safely store your important private information like passwords and logins, bank account a...
7 Years Ago
Optimal Backup Strategy
Take backup of your data. Your hard drive will die some day and will take your data along. You might get hit by a virus or malware which will destroy your data. You may lose your computer to theft or ...
7 Years Ago