Zens's Computer Science Notes

The blog contains my notes on computer science subjects.

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  • Updated 3 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Computer Science Notes

Properties of Secured Information
An information is secured if C-I-A triad is satisfied. Confidentiality - only authorized user can view information  Integrity - only author......
3 Years Ago
One Liner - Creational Design Patterns
Creational Patterns deal with initializing and configuring classes and objects. One liner definition s for creational patterns are given b......
8 Years Ago
Design Patterns - An Easy Way to Remember Common Design Patterns
Design patterns are well documented solutions to recurring problems in software design in given context. Design Patterns can be classifie......
8 Years Ago
Java Interview Questions
1. Difference between Java and C . Hint: i) Java is purely object oriented ii) Java is Platform Independent 2. Difference between JDK, JR......
8 Years Ago
Software Maintenance
Software maintenance is most costly phase. 80% of the budget is on maintenance with more than 3/4th engineers involved in maintenance activ......
8 Years Ago
Extreme Programming (XP)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Introduction XP originated in mid 1990s by Kent Beck in collaboration with Ward Cunningham. It was first used in project Daimler Chrysler ......
8 Years Ago