Achala Upendran's Where The Dog Star Rages

Where the Dog Star rages is my fantasy/lit crit blog, and
hosts my ramblings on related topics. It may host fiction,
I'm not sure yet. Nothing is sure when Sirius runs the show.

  • Rated2.4/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Where The Dog Star Rages

‘Some good in the world’
‘Some good in the world’
Still looking to Hermione and the Potterverse to guide me. Ah well....
6 Years Ago
Hell hath no fury: Jessica Jones, Season 2
Hell hath no fury: Jessica Jones, Season 2
Don’t click if you don’t like spoilers....
7 Years Ago
Soaring on the Other wind
Soaring on the Other wind
Her worlds were not easy. But they were transcendent, in a way that Martin’s just cannot be....
7 Years Ago
The Shape of Water
The Shape of Water
A review awash in lukewarm but well-meant puns....
7 Years Ago
A Goddess Scorned: Ragnarok’s Hela
A Goddess Scorned: Ragnarok’s Hela
Hela is a fascinating Marvel villain, and a disconcertingly familiar one....
7 Years Ago
Rumblings of war too distant: American Gods on TV
Rumblings of war too distant: American Gods on TV
I finally watched it....
7 Years Ago