Imagine life was a daily soap .. (AJinkya typing .. ) T h i s i s m y f i r s t p o s t a f t......
14 Years Ago
Mom and The Idiot Box
I love my parents and they love me too. Parents are a unique species. They think everything bad is because of you upto an age where you sta......
14 Years Ago
To SnK (read as SnK and not SrK pls!)
(This ones for Ketaki!) My friend introduced us to his to-be-wife today. (I mean he introduced us "today" ..not his "today's wife" :P ) It ......
14 Years Ago
Well pockets ... trouser pockets ... every wondered why they were made ? They were created for men damn it ! How dumb are ya ? We men need......
15 Years Ago
No Tag No Fag
Girls have a deep desire to put a label on whatever they can. Like relationships .. their mind goes marking people, I bet thats what they us......
15 Years Ago
Lock, Stock and Barrel
Percussions of my Mind...
15 Years Ago