Ameeta Agnihotri's Silentsensation

I'm happiest when I write - lost in thought, words, flow

  • Rated2.9/ 5
  • Updated 7 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Silentsensation

Spa-ing along
Spa-ing along
Spa-ing is always on my agenda. As important as food, travel, shopping... I do like it very much, and would willingly try any sort of mass......
7 Years Ago
The boat ride on Naini Lake
The boat ride on Naini Lake
Sailing along Naini Lake That cold bit through my woolens as I sat in my balcony overlooking the lake in Nainital. Clenching my ......
7 Years Ago
Making it to Malaysia
Making it to Malaysia
There’s something liberating about traveling and exploring new tastes, places, cultures and simply wandering around the streets of another......
8 Years Ago
Chalo London 6
Chalo London 6
Drops of humanity Messages flew back   and forth. Phone calls were made to decide about where to go and what to do. However, we never re......
8 Years Ago
Chalo London 5
Chalo London 5
Browsing around Borough Market We were almost in time. Till Neeti discovered she had forgotten her travel card. At home. And had to go b......
8 Years Ago
Chalo London 4
Chalo London 4
Wembley Walkathon Planning a late start is just not a plan. Because it simply gets later: exactly what happened to us. Blame it on the......
8 Years Ago