Anand Shrivastava

Anand Shrivastava's Random Thoughts

Really random thoughts in here

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  • Updated 3 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Random Thoughts

राम उठाओ धनुष पुनः
हो चला प्रकंपित देश हित, सुदृढ़ इसका आधार करो। चेतना राष्ट्र की जकड़ रही, करन...
3 Years Ago
पहन के रखिये मास्क ||
मन में यदि ठान लो, नहीं कठिन कोई टास्क | डॉक्टर कह के थक गए, पहन के रखिये मास्क |...
4 Years Ago
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is Laziest of us all...
There is a well-known saying that goes "Always give the hardest job to the laziest person because he will find the easiest way to do it". ......
5 Years Ago
Morning Walk - Precursor
We all know that having elders in the house is a blessing. They guide us and help us in so many ways. Be it giving proper rites (sanskar) ......
9 Years Ago
A different kind of Diwali
This Diwali was different than others in few interesting ways. The biggest differentiator was - of course -Aadya! It was her first Diwa......
9 Years Ago
Remember the "Nanhi Pari" I told you about earlier ? She has a name now - Aadya! She has many other names as well but we will save that fo......
9 Years Ago