Anant Shrivastava

Anant Shrivastava's Techno Enthusiast

A workaholic techno enthusiast's blog sharing his experience
of day to day life consisting mainly of techno stuff.......

  • Rated2.6/ 5
  • Updated 7 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Techno Enthusiast

Fun with PHP Meterpreter - Techno Enthusiast\
Fun with PHP Meterpreter - Techno Enthusiast\'s Blog
Experiment to identify and debug the issue with PHP Meterpreter and adding proper suhosin bypass in the it...
7 Years Ago
Response to : Vulnerability Disclosure, Free Bug Reports & Being a Greedy Bastard - Techno Enthusiast\'s Blog
Response to Questions raised by Chris Gates around bug bounty, vulnerability disclosure etc....
7 Years Ago
The Glorification of Pentesters - Techno Enthusiast\
The Glorification of Pentesters - Techno Enthusiast\'s Blog
TLDR: A wannabe defender trying to reason with the world that only appreciates pentesters....
7 Years Ago
Hunchly and Custom Chromium Data Directories - Techno Enthusiast\
Hunchly and Custom Chromium Data Directories - Techno Enthusiast\'s Blog
TL;DR: how to setup hunchly within Chromium browser along with various quirks like user-data-dir or custom profile...
7 Years Ago
Helper Script: ip - Techno Enthusiast\'s Blog
Most of the time when we type ipconfig / ifconfig we are looking for a very simple information i.e. what’s the ip address and which interface is up and running. So here is another simple script that...
8 Years Ago
Monitoring HTTP and TLS Versions in use via Awstats
Monitoring HTTP and TLS Versions in use via Awstats
Tracking HTTP and TLS versions used by various client accessing the website. This is achieved using Awstats dashboard and custom logging....
8 Years Ago