Ankita Verma's This Is What I Do When I'm Vella

Just a compendium of my thoughts

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 7 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from This Is What I Do When I'm Vella

Happy 2018 people!
Hi My non-existent readers, A very happy new year! There is just something so infinitely alluring with the possibilities of a fresh s......
7 Years Ago
Starving did no one no good
Pre-September, thinking of exchange term made me fondly dream of the many awesome profile pics that I’ll get, the cute firangs I’ll meet i......
9 Years Ago
Eurotrip diaries
You know the world is topsy turvy when a French guy you just met, who almost looks like he is on drugs, requests you to please take his CV......
9 Years Ago
Random Rant #1
It is precisely 6.16 PM and I am sitting on my desk trying to inspire myself to start working again. Ofcourse it means, I have eaten snac......
9 Years Ago
Week- 2 in Joka
It's 5.30 in the morning, I have had exactly four hours of sleep, I didn't need an alarm clock to wake up and I feel fresh. This is what b......
10 Years Ago
Finally in Joka!
It has been four days since I landed in the City of hot and humid weather , elsewhere known as the City of Joy.  It has been four days of ......
10 Years Ago