Anshu Thakur's Doodles In Stardust...

love creating creating doodles of my thoughts, and carving
them in stardust. At least, that's what i call them!

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Doodles In Stardust...

My recontre with the sensuous Skinn…
“Fragrance speaks the loudest on a subliminal level.”  ― Marian Bendeth The olfactory senses not only complement our gustatory percepti......
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Not so starry-eyed...my rendezvous with Starbucks
On the lines of a true-blue aficionado of fine dining, wining, reading and shopping, I deem that a day of your existentiality (hangover e......
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Marketing WACCed!
I've attended lectures (that’s what I precisely do!)…more enticing ones and a plethora of, uh, well, more lackluster ones. But none have be......
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Why Devout is still not Out...
This blog post is my reflection on Mr. Devdutt Pattanaik's following article: http://devdutt.com/articles/leadership/everybody-lov......
12 Years Ago
Assertiveness-Then & Now...
As the legend goes, Sudama did not reveal his abject poverty to his friend & lord, but Krishna read his mind & granted him all h......
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Chak de Fate!
This is a lesser known sub-plot of the epic of Ramayana. The story goes like this... There was once a very wicked Asura who used to to......
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