In Conversation with Jane McCulloch, Author, Three Lives series
A blog with my views and understanding, complete with my 'Randomness' Also featuring book reviews and travel advise n experiences....
8 Years Ago
In Conversation with Penni Mannas Diefendorf, Author, Core of Steel series
A blog with my views and understanding, complete with my 'Randomness' Also featuring book reviews and travel advise n experiences....
9 Years Ago
My Not-to-do-list this new year!
A blog with my views and understanding, complete with my 'Randomness' Also featuring book reviews and travel advise n experiences....
9 Years Ago
New Year ... New beginnings ..
A blog with my views and understanding, complete with my 'Randomness' Also featuring book reviews and travel advise n experiences....
9 Years Ago
To report or not - That is the question.
A blog with my views and understanding, complete with my 'Randomness' Also featuring book reviews and travel advise n experiences....
9 Years Ago
The Mahabharata Quest: The Alexander Secret review
A blog with my views and understanding, complete with my 'Randomness' Also featuring book reviews and travel advise n experiences....
9 Years Ago