Arnab Chatterjee's Technical Innovations

My blog contains all the latest news about the newest
discoveries in the field of science and technology. It is
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  • Updated 16 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Technical Innovations

Web tool puts wildlife diseases on the map
A new online map makes it possible, for the first time, to track news of disease outbreaks around the world that threaten the health of wi......
16 Years Ago
Manmohan shown images from Cartosat-2A
Indian Space Research Organisation Chairman G. Madhavan Nair on Monday presented to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the first lot of high qual......
16 Years Ago
Oxygen vanishing from tropical oceans: scientists
An international team of physical oceanographers has discovered that oxygen-poor regions of tropical oceans are expanding as the oceans warm......
16 Years Ago
NASA names planet after Kerala professor
In a rare honour, the US space agency NASA has named a 'minor' planet after a Kerala zoology professor in appreciation of his environmental ......
16 Years Ago
New circuit element devised
As all science students know, there are only three basic elements that make up an electrical circuit: the resistor, the capacitor and the in......
16 Years Ago
Aging has lately been linked to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage. Mitochondrial DNA provides energy to the cells; when damaged, they do no......
16 Years Ago