Arpit Rai's Towards Collective Consciousness

Startups, Politics, Economics, Web 2.0

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 18 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Towards Collective Consciousness

Google - Another email discussion
On 12/17/06, Arpit Rai wrote: Sorry couldn’t reply earlier. Internet marketing business is worth 27 billion a year (5% of total ad spend) Google should be doing 6 billio…...
18 Years Ago
OpenBC Design Challenge
Came across this on the TechCrunch blog. OpenBC is having a competition where users can submit their design for the OpenBC page. The winner gets a some cash but thats not so important. OpenBC Desig…...
18 Years Ago
The BOP Arguement
This paper debates the economic logic behind selling to the people at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP). Can a company sell to the poor and still be profitable? How does one eradicate poverty? Can se…...
18 Years Ago
Business 2.0: 5 Secrets to a successful launch - September 1, 2006
Business 2.0: 5 Secrets to a successful launch – September 1, 2006...
18 Years Ago
I’ve seen the transformation of India from a very closed nation to one of the fastest developing countries in the world. Some trends and observations. Mobile Phones Market Urban Households: 6…...
18 Years Ago
Meebome - Instant Messaging With a Difference
This is a really cool widget from Meebo.com that allows you to chat with practically anybody. Embed this on your blog, on eBay, on your homepage and have a one-on-one chat with your users. No, othe…...
18 Years Ago