Arunima Mazumdar's Idiosyncratically Yours

An incoherent chronicle of the things that amuse and lure

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 9 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Idiosyncratically Yours

7 books that deserve a prequel-sequel
7 books that deserve a prequel-sequel
Going by the review of Harper Lee’s latest book, Go Set a Watchman in The New York Times, Atticus Finch’s comeback as an antithesis to the legendary father-hero that he was portrayed as in To Kill...
9 Years Ago
Of unsaid goodbyes
there was a street that once led you to me there was a watch that once spelled the time right and, there was a dusk that once wooed the dawn until, it was forever night. Of forgotten passwords and ...
9 Years Ago
I was around 6-years-old when I met with a real accident. My elder brother and his friends were playing cricket outside the gate of our house and I was very keen to participate. He had warned me se…...
9 Years Ago
Ladakh diaries
Ladakh diaries
Day 1 | 30 July, 2014 5.51 am | New Delhi – Leh The flight is almost empty and I’ve taken the liberty to ditch my assigned aisle seat for another seat by the window. We’ve come wa…...
10 Years Ago
Driving is not gender-specific
I have been driving for 8 years now. My father taught me how to drive, he helped me face my fears. He sat by my side and encouraged me to take the flyover when I asked “What if I lose control and ...
10 Years Ago
It’s time go home. To rouse the clanking keys, to stir the morning’s meal. It’s time to return to a vacuumed life....
10 Years Ago