My Year in People-College Edition
Here I am, nearly at the fag end of the year, looking at the same old things happening in the same old way. Same old mess in my room, and same old dog taking up three quarters of my bed, leaving no…...
11 Years Ago
Thank you, T.J.
Dear TJ, Nature works in mysterious ways, and I have reason to believe it does. I write to you every year, hoping I get a response from you. It’s been three years since you’ve been gone…...
11 Years Ago
A ‘Clip’ on a Journalist’s ‘Shoulder’
“Uttarakhand: Rain, floods and landslides hit rescue operations, thousands still stranded”, read the headline in a popular go-to-for-everything website, I have trusted all along my academic life.L...
11 Years Ago
Blog Resurrection…
Long time no write. I guess I’m not too surprised about the ill-presence on a blog considering the amount of things that went on in this span of time. Life for one has changed in many ways. I…...
11 Years Ago
The ‘Wild’ Side…
Animal spotting in a jungle safari at Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand. :) Now if only I could spot a tiger or two in the ‘tiger reserve’, none-the-less, nature has just so much to offer, and t…...
12 Years Ago
What is your feedback on the Gender of these?
I am doing a thesis on toy ads and how toys are marketed reinforce gender stereotyping. Once it is done I’d make a post on all my findings but for now I would love some help from as many peop…...
12 Years Ago