How to avoid rape: Indian New Year’s Eve edition
Let’s get the basics out of the way first. While you may think that every woman you approach is somehow obliged to sleep with you, or you are entitled to run your fingers, eyes, or genitals across ...
8 Years Ago
5 Reasons why you Shouldn’t use the “Imagine if she was your Sister/Mother/Daughter” Argument Against Rape
Empathy for a victim of any crime is nurtured when one imagines putting oneself in the victim’s place. In cases of rape however, the dynamics are entirely different. Empathy in this scenario …...
9 Years Ago
The PK Controversy Drives Home the Message Louder than the Film
I find it ironic, coincidental, and even comical that the message of religious parochialism and ridiculous intolerance through this very accidental ‘identity’ was proven off-screen even…...
10 Years Ago
The Right Way to Moral Police
Moral police is a term used to describe vigilante groups which act to enforce a code of ‘morality’ (which subscribes to their idea of morality) in India. The moral police in India are o…...
10 Years Ago
The Basic Rapist Analogy
Here’s my understanding and analogy of a rapist’s mind. Disclaimer: Not meant for the faint hearted. I am someone who hates laughter. One day I suddenly run into a standup comic street …...
10 Years Ago