Ashwani Shrivastava's World Of Illusions

Personal, Social, Opinions, Causes

  • Rated1.9/ 5
  • Updated 12 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from World Of Illusions

Who is an Indian ?
There are two perspectives to look at Indians. One from the eyes of an Indian and another from Western. According to western perspective an Indian is one who is uncultured, highly un-organized and …...
12 Years Ago
truth hurts, tr…
truth hurts, truth reveals,it creates chaos and differences, still people wants truth of others, wants to conceal theirs and proudly says सत्यमेव जयते* ! *Conditions Apply...
12 Years Ago
Why do we need society?
Why do we need society?
God created the nature. We created the society (actually many) but with different values. Nature and society both are averse and always in constant conflict with each other. Polyandry is acceptable…...
13 Years Ago
Assumed self -vs. Real self
(This is an edited version of previous post “Property and Territory.”) There are two types of self which everyone has and displays, one is real and another is assumed. Most of us live in the later...
13 Years Ago
Worshippers of Ram,followers of Ravan !
Worshippers of Ram,followers of Ravan !
The World welcomes the flamboyant Ravan, admires it, praise it, and acknowledge it, but what about Maryadapurushottam Ram, Raghupati Ram, The God (with capital G) of millions of people around the w…...
13 Years Ago
Subtle Dharma 1
Mahabharata is always been a curious topic of interest for me. Even its opening verse can mesmerize anyone – “What is here, is found elsewhere; what is not here, is nowhere?” Strange… isn’t ...
14 Years Ago