Ocean waves of pain
Ocean waves of pain Crash the shores of your heart Why do effervescent feelings Cause physical repercussions Drag you into the depths Of darkness And in that solace of retreat The music of life pla…...
6 Years Ago
Prayer Flags
Gentle winds make them fly, Colourful prayer flags across The deep blue sky. As the sprawling mountain peaks of Ladakh Stand tall in the background, The barren landscape speaks Of a history million…...
6 Years Ago
The moon asks why?
The moon asks why. Why does everyone want To see the sun shine in the sky? And admire the beautiful sunset. Why doesn’t anyone Want to see my shining white? And the Sun grins and says, ‘Because So...
6 Years Ago
Ma’s 50th Birthday
Nothing that I can write will be enough to show what she’s done for us – I am who I am today because of her....
8 Years Ago
Until we meet again Dada
Poem written on 25th February 2016, one month after the passing of my Grandfather (Dada) They say time heals But this feels like a wound that never will. I remember his loving touch full of …...
8 Years Ago
Poem for Ashuli
For her Birthday on 21st Nov. 2015 Happy Birthday my Dear Ashuli, My superstar little sister, You’re like a smaller version of me, But better! It might seem scary entering Your last teen. (An…...
8 Years Ago