He says, She says - 1
He: I did it all because of you. She: Did I ask you to do? He: I wish you would....
12 Years Ago
Transition from Classroom to the Corporate World - What You Need to Know?
This is exactly where most of us go wrong. The adaptation part I meant. Bungee-jumping into the corporate world without prior and proper homework is like the most innovative self-killing method eve…...
13 Years Ago
Virtual internships - A Student’s Perspective
Rajeev has graduated recently and is waiting to join the permanent posting with the company he was recruited by on the campus. In the meanwhile, Rajeev has decided that he won’t just sit back home,â...
13 Years Ago
Cafe Review: Cuppa Java
As we mentioned in this post before, the visit to Cuppa Java was a part of the plan to hit as many interesting places in the city possible, to celebrate 11th’s ‘Eat what you want day…...
13 Years Ago
Eatery Review: Victoria Junction
Our main intention was to celebrate ‘Eat what you want day’ in as good a way as possible. And what can be better than to hit new eateries in town and eat what all you want! Yesterday was the day w...
13 Years Ago
Gig Review: Solo performances by Durjoy Choudhury
As we slowly and languidly entered the mall, faint traces of a harmonica accompanied by the strumming of an acoustic guitar touched us. It reminded me of my childhood days when I heard Bob Dylan fo…...
13 Years Ago