Bhanuprakash's Indian Social Media

Insights of Digital Marketing, adding brand values using
social Media strategies

  • Rated3.1/ 5
  • Updated 13 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Indian Social Media

My New Blog (www.ursocially.com)
Dear Friends, Its been a long journey for me since the day I started my blog on wordpress.com. It did change my life. My blog posts helped me get a better and good job in Social Media. I have moved…...
13 Years Ago
What is Social Media…Anyway
Breaking heads with this term or trying to give a convincing answers to your Clients, Bosses, Novices. Many of us face the same problem with similar questions. The problem is many of the industry p…...
14 Years Ago
Friends for Benefits
India has started embracing Social Media quantitatively and not qualitatively. Every brand or marketer is behind gathering fans on Facebook & followers on Twitter. Is this all about Social Medi…...
14 Years Ago
Facebook Gets into Collaborative Environment!
Facebook Gets into Collaborative Environment!
Over the last few days, there was a buzz around Facebook coming up with  new design changes. Today, we came across 1st set of their innovations in design and communication. Seems Collaborative Enviâ€...
14 Years Ago
Humanizing your Brand!
It is important for any of the brands to act more as people and not as  automated systems. I have even come across brands who use tools like Hootsuite, Cotweet, Jist and many more to post content râ€...
14 Years Ago
ROI in Social Media… Justified?
Is the hype for social media justified with such results for business firms and brands?...
14 Years Ago