Vent Below !
Favorite music plugged in, a cup full of ginger tea in one hand, and an interesting book in the other. Sunday feels perfect.. Just perfect. But amidst all this, I’m somehow disturbed by the k…...
6 Years Ago
I recently read “The palace of illusions” and came across that Draupadi, which I had never known of. I won’t comment on, if I believe in these mythological stories and their chara…...
6 Years Ago I know it ! !
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ It’s 3:53 A.M. The city seems to be sleeping peacefully, resting, preparing itse…...
7 Years Ago
It’s been a week, I haven’t seen the sun shine Exhausted of convincing myself that everything would be fine The to-do list is now brimming full It now feels my body lacks the life-su…...
7 Years Ago
The inner monologue continues. It questions, it blames, it shames, it mocks, it just continues to nag me day in and out. It has turned to a parasite and taken control. Totally overpowers me …...
7 Years Ago
The pitter patter of rain drops Tint of the golden sky Mini cloud of steam formed around our coffee mugs Sound from your old tapes An old photograph of us smiling, well placed in a corner All in al…...
7 Years Ago