Green Coalition Network is an independent non-governmental environmental advocacy organization that was informally founded in the year 2000.
Green Coalition is dedicated to improving public health standards, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development & ethical business.
We provide practical eco-friendly solutions that integrate long-term economic prosperity and sound social development, thereby bringing about real positive change. We implement this by influencing public opinion, building constructive partnerships with industry and the government and promoting community and corporate programs focused on youth & public participation.
environmental awareness, environmental education, environmental advocacy, public health, fair trade, sustainable development, Third Sector Consulting
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<p><b>Activity: </b>Green Coalition Network is an independent non-governmental environmental advocacy organization that was informally founded in the year 2000.
Green Coalition is dedicated to improving public health standards, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development & ethical business.
We provide practical eco-friendly solutions that integrate long-term economic prosperity and sound social development, thereby bringing about real positive change. We implement this by influencing public opinion, building constructive partnerships with industry and the government and promoting community and corporate programs focused on youth & public participation. </p><p><b>Support: </b>environmental awareness, environmental education, environmental advocacy, public health, fair trade, sustainable development, Third Sector Consulting</p><p><b>Note: </b>We want more active volunteers and members. You can also have a look at our current requirements at the page below</p><p>This post is a part of BlogAdda's Bloggers Social Responsibility (BSR) initiative. I am exercising my BSR. You can too with three simple steps. Visit and support the NGO's.</p>