Shreya Sharan Pawar

Shreya Sharan Pawar's Burst Of Happyness

Burst of Happyness Blog is an initiative to create awareness
about things that help “up” our happyness quotient:
health and wellness, food, naturalism, skincare,
spirituality, animals and more.

  • Rated1.8/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Reminder for a Glowing Twenty Eighteen - Burst of happyness

Updated 6 Years Ago

Reminder For A Glowing Twenty Eighteen - Burst Of Happyness
It’s January. It’s the month of setting resolutions and goals. It’s the month when you get to set the tone for the year. So, while we’re gearing up to have a glowing 2018, why not get back to the basics and set a skin routine to get that perfect glow for your skin as well? …
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