The Visit -1
This cough is going to take the life of me I think to myself. The auto buzzes along nonchalantly up the road to drop me of at the emergenc......
10 Years Ago
Harangue - Part I
Wake up to the same damn song on the phone, I haven't bothered to change it in months (screw me). The barking dogs and the siphoning mosq......
11 Years Ago
Buses narrowly dodge the unperturbed man, woman, child, its crossing reviled in a plethora of languages this city far cares to imagi......
11 Years Ago
Walking along the pavement, a rolling cart filled with bananas which have been soaked in the morning and noon sun till they suffer a ba......
12 Years Ago
Take Care
“One beach-colored. One brown. One Loved. One Loved a Little Less.” I think the fact that we can never be together disap......
12 Years Ago
The Visit
He brings the paper closer. The letters all in Malayalam, the cuves do a pirouette while the rest undulate laterally and sidewind. "Arre ba......
12 Years Ago