Giridhar Chandrasekar's Phonelicious

A tech blog from the dimension of a non-technical user.

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Tata Hexa - The new beast in town - #HexaExperience - Phonelicious

Updated 8 Years Ago

Tata Hexa - The New Beast In Town - #HexaExperience - Phonelicious
It has been a while since Tata introduced a truly flagship car for the Indian roads. Since the Jaguar Land Rover acquisition happened, I was keen on getting a car from the Tata Stables with some influence from their new business liaisons. Tata Aria was introduced a while ago and it is a known fact that the Aria is not a commercially successful venture. This year Tata decided to raise the curtains on its flagship offering for the Indian market: The Tata Hexa. A quick glance would give an impression that it would be an upgraded Aria, but upon closer
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