Best Wishes!!!!!
Hi.. Hello…. First of all, Congratulations my dear LP!! :) For those of you who are confused, today is my LP’s work anniversary.. Just wanted to wish him all success and happiness for t…...
11 Years Ago
Hi…. Its been a very long time.. I have become so lazyy… And I have finished reading “The One You Cannot Have” by Preeti Shenoy. Will give the review of the book soon. And t…...
11 Years Ago
Hi, I ordered two books last week- “If its not forever” by Durjoy Datta and Nikita Singh. And another book for which I was waiting eagerly – “The one you cannot have” …...
11 Years Ago
Sorry And Thank You
We usually say that there should be no sorry and thank you between someone who is so close to us. (mom, dad, sister, husband,etc.). But, what I feel is sorry and thank you are not just words which …...
11 Years Ago
Week End!!!!
Hi… Nothing much happened this weekend… I was sick last friday.. So, was taking rest the whole weekend. Eating and sleeping was all I did on weekend.. Still feeling sick.. Not much work…...
11 Years Ago
Happy Diwali!!!!!
Hi!!!! Its been a very long time since I wrote something… I am so lazy these days… I didn’t think of writing something… today just got a thought of saying hi… and I wi…...
11 Years Ago