Sandip Acharyya's The P.O.T.

The P.O.T. speaks about a whole lot of things. This
website is about collecting and speaking about the various
aspect of our life, or maybe the things we are interested

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  • Updated 10 Months Ago

9 Natural And Healthy Tips To Reduce Weight Naturally And Stay Fit - The Potpourri of Thoughts

Updated 2 Years Ago

9 Natural And Healthy Tips To Reduce Weight Naturally And Stay Fit - The Potpourri Of Thoughts
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has stretched our stay at homes for the last two years. Even for working professionals, extended stay is starting to have its impact, both on physical and mental well-being. Many of us are now inherently stressed out, depressed, and become lazy and inactive. The issue of our body putting on extra...
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