Self-Editing Tip: Effective Story Endings. | Shiuli Editing Services
How to craft effective story endings that wows the reader and leaves them feeling satisfied....
5 Years Ago
Self-Editing Tip: Dialogues in Fiction | Shiuli Editing Services
Whether you excel or struggle in writing dialogues, here's a handy checklist on writing dialogues plus an infographic on punctuating dialogues in fiction....
5 Years Ago
Self-Editing Tip: Comma Splice | Shiuli Editing Services
A comma splice is an error. Here's how to spot and fix it....
5 Years Ago
Self-Editing Tip: Blurb | Shiuli Editing Services
Blurbs sell books. Here's how to fix yours....
5 Years Ago
Self-Editing Tips: Apostrophe | Shiuli Editing Services %
Apostrophes can be confusing, but they need not be. Whether it's for contractions, possessives, or plurals, here are some editing tips you can use today in your writing....
5 Years Ago
#AtoZChallenge Theme Reveal: Self-Editing Tips for Writers. | Shiuli Editing Services
Beginning April 1, Mondays through Saturdays, I will share a self-editing tip for writers on my blog. And since this is for the A to Z April Blogging Challenge, every tip will have something to do wit...
5 Years Ago