Sapna Katti's A Civilization Is Only As Great As Its Dreams

use my blog to rant and rave, to un-clutter my mind and go
back with a clear mind to work. In short it is just an
excuse to write.

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 7 Years Ago

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Spot the Ravan
Hello everyone! Here’s wishing you a very Happy Dasara on the occasion of Vijayadashmi!!! Today is supposed to mark the end of Raavan, the King of Lanka, who abducted Sita. It also marks the …...
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Tring Tring Tring
That is the familiar sound of a phone ring. All the 90s kids would know :P Actually not just the 90s kids. Anybody who has heard EDM music and wondered what it is, would know. Nowadays we have thes…...
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Et tu, target?
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We have all waited for our Prince charming some or the other time in our life. I didn’t have to wait for it long. No sooner had I opened an email account, I got an email from a Nigerian Princ…...
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