കാണാമറയത്ത്: ശബരിമല-മകരവിളക്കും മറ്റുള്ളവയും -യാഥാര്ത്ഥ്യങ്ങളെന്ത്?
കാണാമറയത്ത്: ശബരിമല-മകരവിളക്കും മറ്റുള്ളവയും -യാഥാര്ത്ഥ്യങ്ങളെന്ത്?...
13 Years Ago
Psychiatry for Public
I am reproducing another article by Dr K S Jacob from The Hindu dated 20th June. After reading this I have to ask myself "Are doctors promot......
15 Years Ago
The story of Dr.Vasistha Narayan Singh -
The following story narrated by a fellow psychiatrist may remind us about John Nash - famous after 'A beautiful Mind'. Dr Singh is in many w......
15 Years Ago
An article on Psychiatry during medievel Islam period
From the fifth century AD until the past century, Galen's theory about the four humours ruled medicine. Its corollary was that the treatment......
15 Years Ago
Health, ilness and disease Who is to decide (2)
This is in response to the article 'Bridging the disease-illness divide in medicine' by Dr K S Jacob.(Please see the previous post). The art......
15 Years Ago
Health, illness and disease - Who is to decide?
The following is an article from The Hindu dated 12th June 2009. Bridging the disease-illness divide in medicine K.S. Jacob The failure ......
15 Years Ago