Science of Emotions
It was demonstrated by Martin Seligman and Peter Schulman of the University of Pennsylvania that organizations were teams had a “glass full outlook” were far more better in terms of productivity a...
5 Years Ago
Rudeness at Workplace: Hurts Profitability
In process of reading HBR articles came across interesting article on incivility or rudeness at workplace and its repercussions by C Porath and C Pearson. According to this HBR article one habitual…...
5 Years Ago
Teaching without an accompanying experience, exposure and energy is like filling a lamp with water. Something has been poured in, but the result is not illuminating - William James
Being in teaching industry for around 10 years now and looking at the scenario in social and corporate context, I believe it’s our responsibility to contribute meaningfully as a teacher fraternity �...
5 Years Ago
What is your cup filled With??????
I love this analogy! You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? “We…...
5 Years Ago
Step UP….
Step up … Heard this motivational story from a friend and would love to share it to all …. Once upon a time there was a farmer who had an old mule. The mule fell into a deep dry well an…...
5 Years Ago
Which Wolf do we feed????
This story of two wolves lead a lasting impression on my mind and reinforced my belief that “The quality of our life is determined by the quality of our thoughts.” ( Robin Sharma) ‘Two Wolves…...
5 Years Ago