S N Roy hears from Lytton: A 1922 case of British imperial racism in Indian governance (with lessons for today) [Draft text 6 March 2018]
Surendranath Roy (1860-1929) helped pioneer Indian constitutionalism under several British governments: Carmichael, Ronaldshay, Lytton, the Simon Commission too. Lytton’s letter below dated 1…...
6 Years Ago
Physics & Reasoning (An Ongoing Tract) by Subroto Roy DRAFT 01.12.2017
Physics & Reasoning (An Ongoing Tract) by Subroto Roy DRAFT 01.12.2017 0. Since Philosophy of Economics (Routledge 1989) I have tentatively applied similar methods of reasoning to diplomacy, p…...
7 Years Ago
Modi & Monetary Theory: Economic Consequences of the Prime Minister of India
Modi & Monetary Theory: Economic Consequences of the Prime Minister of India by Subroto Roy* Mr Modi was doing well enough until his catastrophic statement of 8 November 2016 trying to nullify …...
8 Years Ago
Fixing Washington: On Improving Institutional Design in the United States
Fixing Washington: On Improving Institutional Design in the United States by Subroto Roy* 17 November 2016 President Trump has a unique chance to redesign the institutional framework of the United …...
8 Years Ago
On being reunited with Arrow Hahn after a dozen years
On being reunited with Arrow Hahn after a dozen years Professor Kenneth J Arrow Stanford Dear Professor Arrow, I am delighted to say I am reunited today after a dozen years with your ...
9 Years Ago