Education - now a right!
On Tuesday, August 4, 2009, the Indian Parliament passed the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bill. This bill seeks to guarantee universal, free and compulsory education for children aged bet…...
15 Years Ago
Soliloquy in Circles - Ogden Nash
Being a father Is quite a bother. You are as free as air With time to spare, You’re a fiscal rocket With change in your pocket, And then one morn A child is born. Your life has been runcible,…...
15 Years Ago
Ask Daddy, He Won’t Know - Ogden Nash
Now that they’ve abolished chrome work, I’d like to call their attention to homework. Here it is only three decades since my scholarship was famous, And I’m an ignoramus. I cannot…...
15 Years Ago
Welcome to Education Primer. This is just the beginning of what is dreamed to be a comprehensive repository of information about education with a specific focus on India....
15 Years Ago