2020 - The Year of Revelations
The one thought that’s literally on everyone’s minds right now, for sure, is: “Wow, never thought this damn year would even come to an end!” Bingo! But well, finally here we…...
4 Years Ago
Missing Him
I miss you so much these days,You can blame the pandemic for such a dirty play.I’m so worried about you that,When I’m awake, I’m thinking about you.And when I close my eyes, IR…...
4 Years Ago
Hijibiji – A beautiful Bengali word, the meaning of which stands for hotchpotch, nonsensical stuff that makes little sense. That’s also the word which absolutely and precisely sums up t…...
4 Years Ago
‘Fix You’ Keeps Playing in My Mind, Sept ’20
“Cause you lose something you can’t replace,When you love someone but it goes to waste”Hello, what? Love? No, but I really did like him, though.So much so, that I was childishly i…...
4 Years Ago
Flashback: First Date
You know, I still remember that cab ride. Our first date and how I had blabbered on about my crush,In front of you, of whom I was the crush.You had listened to me silently, laughed and looked at me…...
4 Years Ago
It is Finally Raining Here, July ’20
It is finally raining here.After a month of waiting and seeking,They are here, all dark and gloomy.And with such a weather has come the reclusive guest,One who visits me far too often and inconspic…...
4 Years Ago