Fahima Yousouf's A Writer's Retreat

This blog is a collection of my random musings inspired by
my personal experiences

  • Rated2.4/ 5
  • Updated 4 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from A Writer's Retreat

Thinking about…
Thinking about…
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4 Years Ago
Open the door to God
Open the door to God
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4 Years Ago
Scared of the Quran?
Scared of the Quran?
Sometimes, what makes us apprehensive about spending much time with the Quran is because of the warnings, the description of Hell fire, the reflection of all the hardships faced by the Prophets and…...
4 Years Ago
Connect to the Holy Quran
Connect to the Holy Quran
For all those who never took the time out to connect to the Holy Quran (including myself) , please do it right now. And I’m not saying this because it’s the month of Ramadan and this is…...
4 Years Ago
Growing up
Growing up
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5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago