Fiery Onyx's Random Outlook

My 2 cents about everything under the sun!!!

  • Rated1.0/ 5
  • Updated 8 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Random Outlook

Few Questions which we have to answer…
I remember her dark, large eyes which spoke thousand words. I can still recall her cheerful laugh which greeted us whenever we visited her. My nose is still able to remind that lingering aroma of t…...
8 Years Ago
Untold warning signs…!!
It is almost six in the morning. The walls of hospital’s corridor echoed loud shrieks of Shobha who was howling uncontrollably over her 19 year old daughter Pinky’s charred body. After struggling ...
8 Years Ago
Confessions of Life - 2
Today I woke up with a very mixed feeling. I had a dream…a weird dream. I saw that I went to my family friend’s place for preparation of some social community function ( as we used to do almost 15...
8 Years Ago
Amber tales…face palm moments for Mamma!!
Now since I have got some spare time in my hand( Thanks to the Diwali break!), I thought of jotting down few of Amber-tales on this space. Amber is now almost five and a half-year old however, most…...
8 Years Ago
Confessions of my Life- 1
Confessions of my Life- 1
I wish to take this opportunity of blogging under a pseudo-name to blurt out few confessions of my life. To start with, I would pour out the bigger ones first. It was somehow turbulent phase of my ...
9 Years Ago
Go Green….
I am turning green…yes green with jealousy. I am not sure whether it is right or wrong but I am overwhelmed with creepy jealousy right now. It is suffocating me since I cannot discuss it with…...
9 Years Ago