Florida Solar Design Group

Florida Solar Design Group's Florida Solar Design Group

Florida Solar Design Group is the leader in solar pool
heating, solar electricity, and solar water heating in
Southwest Florida. We do consulting, design services, and
act as solar sales agents.

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Header Brackets - Another Myth Busted - Florida Solar Design Group

Updated 5 Years Ago

Header Brackets - Another Myth Busted - Florida Solar Design Group
We have published many posts on the myths, inaccuracies, and outright lies that some competitors talk about during sales presentations. When we bust the myth, they tend to move on to another scare tactic. Here one you might hear that has been used extensively recently: “They use a plastic header clamps and ours is metal.” So? Yeah. And? I guess ...
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