I love you forever, and I am coming back…!
“I need to fix this before I go.” You have to talk to me. So, don’t tell me no. I need to exist – I can’t be their ghost, I have to go, because I love you the most. You have a strong heart ...
9 Years Ago
NASA deemed to make ‘Interstellar’ sci-fi into reality with the Cryosleep…
“We must reach far beyond than our own lifespans…” This is the principal theory of the much awaited Christopher Nolan’s Sci-Fi movie, ‘Interstellar’, which anticipates to find a way for...
10 Years Ago
ALaS…! It’s Ice Bucket and Selfie again…
Earlier when Facebook was at its peak, predicting the news-feed was not such an easy task. Every time we login to our account, we would definitely find something meaningful that would make us Awe… ...
10 Years Ago
Digitalization of Friendship…!
“ An individual can have anything that a life can offer – career, family and money – but if a person didn’t have a good friend, his or her life would be fundamentally lacking…” – Aris...
10 Years Ago
Today’s Oppression…
“ Today, all of us do, by our presence here . . . confer glory and hope to new-born liberty. Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must b...
10 Years Ago
Madiba for Africa…
I was born free – like a tree, And lived the childhood with so glee. But it was when I was brought to the knee, I couldn’t believe what I did see – I wasn’t free…! It was then I was judge...
10 Years Ago