Mridupawan Podder

Mridupawan Podder's S.c.r.i.b.b.l.i.n.g.s

penning thoughts to words- by Freelancer and Rose

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 11 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from S.c.r.i.b.b.l.i.n.g.s

MDR| 13th Oct '13
Life is spiralling out of control. 2013 has to be the worst year of my existence. At times like these, I've no idea what I'm looking forward......
11 Years Ago
MDR| 17th May \'13
Hello beautiful people I'm back in Chennai. Minus the rains ofcourse. Having trouble figuring out what to do with life. Most of my friend......
11 Years Ago
MDR| Who gives a fuckity fuck?
You know what I just realized?? This! this writing for myself. This virtual diary of mine. Now before you get excited and jizz all over you......
12 Years Ago
MDR| 9th June \'12
Hey. Ever felt like coming back to a blog out of pity? Yeah? The feeling's mutual mate. And now that I'm here, the 'me' that was brimming......
12 Years Ago
MDR| 3rd March \'12
Hello world. Its been a long time. I've been so busy lately that I've forgotten that I've a blog of my own where I can drop my thoughts. ......
12 Years Ago
MDR| 22nd Dec \'11
How to start writing again?? I mean, how on earth am I supposed to start from where I stopped? And that stop is long erased from memory that......
13 Years Ago