How to select a specified number of values starting with each alphabets in mysql.
How to select a specified number of values starting with each alphabets in mysql. Suppose you have a table named 'names', which has field......
12 Years Ago
Mysql query for searching a value, add weightage on the number of occurances and sort based on the weight-age
Mysql query for searching a value, add weightage on the number of occurances and sort based on the weightage Consider a table named 'data......
12 Years Ago
Creating Custom Module in VtigerCRM
Creating a custom VtigerCRM Module Step 1. Download the module creation script from the VtigerCRM or copy it from below name = 'Phpqa'......
13 Years Ago
Can we compare equality of two floats in php ?
Can we compare equality of two floats in php ? The answer is NO. Its not encouraged in php programming. The reason is, its related to s......
13 Years Ago
How to add or remove WWW on URLs using htaccess.
How to add or remove WWW on URLs using htaccess. Adding www to your site url using .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}......
13 Years Ago
Compressing HTML, CSS and Javascript using Apache
Compressing HTML, CSS, Javascript using Apache There are two methods to available in apache to handle compression of webpage contents. The......
13 Years Ago