The Free Speech Cycle
Like with everything else in India, we have a way with our own style of discourse with regards to journalism and free speech, something that is as unique as a BJP supporter’s unrequited love …...
12 Years Ago
England for Prime Minister!
The talk of the town in India (and by ‘in India’, I basically mean Twitter and Facebook) over recent weeks has been more or less surrounding homosexuality and wayward uttering in relati…...
12 Years Ago
The PMO on Twitter
It’s been rather relieving ever since the Prime Minister’s Office decided to improve upon its work so far, and finally decided to step up on delivering effective governance to a yearnin…...
12 Years Ago
FirstPostic Journalism
Over recent times, web news portals like FirstPost have emerged as popular destinations for news junkies seeking to know whether Raj Thackeray spoke in Hindi when he visited Gujarat to meet NaMo...
12 Years Ago
I Got Married
–Impromptu Post Warning– –Uncalled-for-Drama Warning– I got married. Yeah, I did. Thankfully, it was only a dream nightmare. But never before have I spring-jumped from my be…...
13 Years Ago
A Request
Hello reader. This is the first such post on this blog, that I’m doing, in the 4 years that this blog has been on the web. First, let me set the premise. Sneha Sadan is a boys orphanage in th…...
13 Years Ago