Lent Day 50: The rolling stones
We all go through tensions and problems in our life. We walk with them, sit with them and sleep with them. They are there and it is a mental......
11 Months Ago
Lent Day 44: We do not know
In India, elders and teachers are supposed to know everything. Whether it is their field, their area of interest or what they have been expo......
11 Months Ago
Lent Day 43: Making an ass of ourself this lent
“Don’t make a fool of yourself” is something we often hear in childhood. More than the fact that we have done something wrong or foolish, it......
11 Months Ago
Lent Day 42: A God who weeps
Our biggest friends and biggest family are those who stand by us in difficult situations. We think that we have to provide solutions at ever......
11 Months Ago
Lent Day 41: The temptation of fake profiles
St. Matthew 4: 1-11 narrates how the devil tries his best to tempt Jesus. After forty days of fasting, Jesus is tired, hungry and vulnerable......
11 Months Ago
Lent Day 40: Negating the gossiping community
Humans are story tellers. It is but natural that people speak, share stories and update what is happening in their life and in their village......
11 Months Ago