Karan Bhujbal's Bhujbalview

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  • Updated 10 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Bhujbalview

Spark the creative genius in you in 2015, by doing these 8 things
Spark the creative genius in you in 2015, by doing these 8 things
1. Read books In our daily routines, we’ve forgotten to do the most basic things that’s going to get our reading and writing in-tact. Man......
10 Years Ago
How to hack PR for startups
How to hack PR for startups
I was recently invited to speak on 'How to hack PR for startups', by The Rodinhoods, which is a community of entrepreneurs and enterprising......
10 Years Ago
What is your passion away from PR?
What is your passion away from PR?
If you can’t get away from the roasting summer heat, here are a few cool things to cheer you up. Turns out that PR professionals in India a......
10 Years Ago
5 trends to watch out for in the Indian blogosphere in 2014
5 trends to watch out for in the Indian blogosphere in 2014
Blogging is increasing in India and there are many trends that come with this ever popular medium .  Karan Bhujbal, Account Manager, 20:20M......
10 Years Ago
Doing bhangra in Beijing!
Doing bhangra in Beijing!
Asia Mobility Experience is a program that MSLGROUP created to develop well-rounded, globalized employees by broadening their experience an......
10 Years Ago
Social networks: Help you win friends or influence people, or both?
Social networks: Help you win friends or influence people, or both?
While I was at school around 2004, I used to be on Orkut. I gave myself a hip bio, updated my status constantly, and was part of all the co......
10 Years Ago