Sandeep Koul's Kashmir

Blogs on kashmir, kashmiri pandits, India, religion,
philosophy, terrorism, human rights, genocide

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  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Kashmir

The HIGH & LOW OF KP AGITATION 1967 Parmeshwari Agitation of 1967 is 52 years old. During these 52 years much water has flown down the Jehlum, Changes in all spheres have taken place beyond ima…...
5 Years Ago
The legend of Kapeteswara
The legend of Kapeteswara
The valley of the Arpath or Harsapatha, which opens to the east of Anantnag, is also known as Kuthar. The name is in all probability connected with that of the ancient Tirtha of KAPATESVARA, situat…...
5 Years Ago
Lest we forget-the refugee camps
Lest we forget-the refugee camps
Some pictures that depict the life of a Kashmiri pandit in a refugee camp....
5 Years Ago
Kashmiri Pandits 4 Modi
Kashmiri Pandits 4 Modi
Visit the post for more....
5 Years Ago
Regulation of Vitasta (Jhelum) by Suyya
Regulation of Vitasta (Jhelum) by Suyya
Kalhana writes in ‘Rajatarangini’ about the illustrious visionary Suyya- The Engineer .He lived during the King Avantivarman’s Rule and was in fact whole heatedly supported by the king in his en...
5 Years Ago
Small List of Kashmiri Pandits killed by Militants
Small List of Kashmiri Pandits killed by Militants
This is the small list of kps murdered by muslim terrorists. Sr. Name of the Victim Date of Killing 1 PRABHAVATI 14.03.1989 2 DINA NATH RAINA 15.08.1989 3 TIKA LAL TIPLOO 14.09.1989 4 SMT. SHEELA T…...
5 Years Ago