9. And I am seeing RED! :-)
Check out my nails..!! :) Brilliant Bloody Red … :D :D Hehehe!! Don’t they look lovely … And to think I was shying away from this color for so long…. Actually shying away from nail polish in â...
12 Years Ago
8. The ranting begins…
Dear Self-Confessed Foodie Friend, I like you as a friend. I enjoy the time we spend together. Not very frequently and only in small doses. But hey, that works for me! And I am sure you will agree …...
12 Years Ago
6. Why this blog?
I am no stranger to blogging. New to wordpress – Yes! Definitely! But new to Blogging – Nope! So why this blog? Simply because I want to blog what I feel like without mincing words. Wit…...
13 Years Ago