Magik Kairos's Magikkairos

This blog is all about how to make every moment special

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 7 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Magikkairos

7 Wedding Superstitions and Why They Are Followed
7 Wedding Superstitions and Why They Are Followed
Old, New, and Blue We’ve all heard this common rhyme used when someone gets married, but what does it mean? Wearing “something old” represents the bride’s past, while the &#…...
7 Years Ago
5 Unique Wedding Ceremonies Across the World!
5 Unique Wedding Ceremonies Across the World!
American weddings are popular today and even the most non traditional bride loves to be a part of it. But, there are some unique ceremonies from across the world which are totally unique and fun. S…...
7 Years Ago
Why Experimental Events have Gained Popularity
Why Experimental Events have Gained Popularity
A recent study from Yankelovic Center For Social Science Research revealed that an average person comes across 2000 – 5000 brand exposures per day, which includes adverts. An average internet user ...
7 Years Ago
Guide for Inbound Marketing Campaign
Guide for Inbound Marketing Campaign
The concept of inbound marketing is really simple and nothing new. It offer high-quality content that draws the attention of prospects and turn them into customers – many attempts at its execution ...
7 Years Ago
7 Biggest Event Trends of 2017
7 Biggest Event Trends of 2017
Everyone is going Niche People are looking to create more niche events. From events focused on smaller niche audiences to sub-events or tracks focused on select attendees to smaller sessions and au...
7 Years Ago
How to find the Perfect Sponsor for your Event?
How to find the Perfect Sponsor for your Event?
You might be organizing any kind of event like a big international meeting or working for an NGO finding good sponsors can be a difficult task. Why hire a Sponsor? Sponsors can help to reduce overa…...
7 Years Ago