Who am I?
You are sometimes defined by what you do. Sometimes by who you are with. Sometimes by who is with you. Sometimes by what you have been. When......
14 Years Ago
Life changes. Life changes every couple of months. Or so you think till you are 27, married and your wife is pregnant with what you want to ......
15 Years Ago
You know you have grown up when….
I am gonna pass out of college in 2 months. This is the phase when you start getting nostalgic about things you weren't so crazy about in th......
15 Years Ago
A tribute to Bollywood
Now that I have your attention, let me tell you the truth - this is not a tribute to Bollywood. It's actually the opposite, a 'dis-tribute' ......
16 Years Ago
A random assortment of facts
My mind works randomly. It hits a note, stays put for some time and just when that note is about to peak, it hits another note. I know it's ......
16 Years Ago
Mark Twain, Rodney Dangerfield and Mahatma Baba
It's been 3 and a half months since I last wrote anything. Well, I have been....busy. Anyway, here I am back again to writing but since I am......
16 Years Ago