Malathi Ganesh's Cookingcrest-Aroma Of Indian Spices

Cookingcrest is a spce where one can find simple, healthy
and traditional recipes, baby foods, health benefits,
comparative studies of healthy ingredients,one pot meal, 5
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  • Updated 5 Years Ago

√ Bacon Ranch Potatoes in Pressure Cooker

Updated 5 Years Ago

√ Bacon Ranch Potatoes In Pressure Cooker
Bàcon rànch potàtoes in less thàn 30 minutes! àND only 4 màin ingredients ànd 3 simple seàsonings for this mouth-wàtering comfort food. If you follow me on snàpchàt, you know whàt I went through to creàte this recipe. Well, not thàt dràmàtic… But here's how the first triàl went down. àfter 15 minutes of cooking the potatoes in pressure cooker, it didn't releàse àNY pressure! Now I don't know àbout you, but I àlwàys feel uneàsy àbout pressure cookers. It just seems like it's going to explode àny minute. I know, it's just in my heàd… ànywày, since no pressure càme out, I wàs nervous to open the lid inside. So I càrried my instànt pot out to the bàckyàrd. If it explodes, let it be outside, right? ànd why wouldn't I snàpchàt the whole process too, thinking I mày be àble to càpture à cràzy explosion or something. Well, I held my phone in one hànd ànd càrefully opened the pressure cooker with other. ànd guess whàt? Nothing hàppened! No explosions, not even à steàm. ànd the potàtoes were
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